Friday, January 1, 2010

This Tea is Good for New Beginnings

Happy New Year!

Today is the first day of twenty-ten, yeah I said it.
I stayed in last night with my little family, watching the ball drop with Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin. What a riot those two are! But as I sat on my couch watching the shiny orb makes its descent as it closed the book on 2009, I couldn't help but feel... wretched. I mean, I put behind me a year chock full of important events, my graduation, the birth of my daughter, moving to a new city... but I just felt sad. I'm not sad with my situation, per se, because I have a lot more than others and I'm grateful... but I'm missing something. I'm missing some sort of creative outlet, a way to express myself... I'm missing the need to create something beautiful. (Man those are a lot of ellipses!) Needless to say, I got so emo that I even bummed the beau out.

I've always taken the New Year for granted- that another one would come as soon as these three hundred and sixty five days were over- so I've never bothered to make any resolutions. But this year is different. I'm realized I'm not getting any younger and my future will not wait. No, it is happening at present.

So, with change in mind, I started with the most obvious thing I could think of: my appearance. I went to target, bought hair color and am now the proud owner of black locks. As black as my soul (hahajustkiddingkindof.) I think they're becoming and will have to post a picture ASAP. Then I sat down and fleshed out the rest of my resolution list. It goes as follows:

1. Create something every week
2. Dress to make myself feel good
3. Experiment in every way possible... just because I think it won't work doesn't mean it won't.

Whenever I do make these I usually forget about them, but since now they're recorded I think I'm more likely to keep up with them. I hope.

No, I will.

Ciao et bonne année à tous!

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