Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What's in a name?

I've been meaning to post for days. In fact, I've been itching to. But, I guess that's what happens when you have a little human hogging up you time, not that I resent her, of course.

In any case, I've been thinking about the name that I have chosen for this digital record and kind of want to discuss it a bit. If for no other reason than to keep my thoughts in order and keep them on record.

Like I said in an earlier post, I studied and got my degree in (oh, don't I sound pretentious!) in French language and linguistics. That said, it is my favorite language, even more than my own. So in choosing a name, the language was certainly a no-brainer. Now, I'm sure those francophiles will notice my article disagreement, but I assure you it was intentional. The word "Phénix" has no female article, which to me is just silly since by definition a Phoenix has to be female. So, eventhough it is technically incorrect, I chose to use "la" instead of "le" because I am referring to myself or- at least- a representation of myself.

I wanted to pick something that represented me, both who I am now and who I am to become, thus the Pink Phoenix. My favorite color and symbol of rebirth. But, musing about it at length the other day, I decided it works in another way as well: because "phénix" sounds exactly like its English counterpart, said orally "rose" gives the connotation of rising from the ashes. I like that. A pink phoenix that has risen. Well, in my case I'm not sure if I have risen yet but I'm sure that day will come.

La Phénix Rose

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