Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I Contain Multitudes

I believe the best way to begin my journey is to dissect myself in order to better understand where I'm going. I think the best way to go about this is by free writing so the following may not make sense.

The first thing I remember wanting to be as a child is an artist. I've always had a fascination with making things. The creative process had always been engrossing. In middle School I designed my own clothes and dolls and would painstakingly hand sew them late at night to TCM showings of Classic Films like An American in Paris, Gigi, and Singing in the Rain. That was a great summer.

For years I kept sketchbooks and notebooks filled with dozens of ideas. Stories, pictures, comics, outfits... Then one day, sometime during my freshman year of college, I just stopped. It's sad really. What happened? Did I get lazy? Did I run out of creative juice? I don't know. One think I do know is that I need to get back to that because l remember that feeling- that sheer satisfaction- of completing something, of unleashing something from the depths of your psyche is unique and unfathomably delicious. That's right, I described a feeling like one would a pie. I need to get back to that, I need to regain that sense of self that only such an accomplishment can provide. Je dois redevenir une créatrice.

Oh, yeah, and I need to find some way to use my French degree.

On to things I know I like :

Art-Including but not limited to~

It's safe to say that I,m interested in the beautiful. The beauty around me, the beauty others make, and (perhaps nacissistically,) the beauty I make myself. It may seem broad in scope, but I suppose that is what this "digital record" (Oh, how I loath the term Blog!) will be about: my re-emergence of self through artistic endeavors. Thus, the Pink Phoenix. But more about that later, It's time to spend time with my beau. n_~ Ciao à tous!

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